When it comes to home energy efficiency, many people think about wall and loft insulation but overlook one important aspect: perimeter insulation. This form of insulation, which involves insulating the edges of your building’s concrete slab or foundation, plays a crucial role in regulating your home’s temperature and enhancing its overall energy efficiency.

How It Works

Perimeter insulation works by creating a continuous layer of insulation on the exterior of your home. It serves as a protective barrier, preventing heat from escaping during the winter and blocking heat from entering during the summer. Here’s how it works:

  • Winter Insulation: During the colder months, insulation keeps your home warm by trapping heat inside. It prevents the cold outdoor air from reaching the inner walls and creates a temperature buffer, making your indoor space more comfortable and energy-efficient.
  • Summer Insulation: In the summertime, insulation helps keep your home cool by blocking the hot outdoor air. It prevents heat from penetrating the walls, reducing the need for air conditioning and lowering your energy bills.

The Role of Perimeter Insulation in Energy Conservation

Insulation acts as a thermal barrier that reduces heat transfer between the inside of your home and the surrounding soil. It prevents heat from escaping during the winter months and keeps the heat out during the summer. This regulation of temperature can significantly reduce your reliance on artificial heating and cooling systems, leading to substantial energy savings.

In addition to its thermal benefits, insulation also helps to prevent moisture intrusion, which can lead to issues like mould growth and structural damage. By keeping the foundation dry, it contributes to the long-term durability and structural integrity of your home.

Perimeter Insulation and Indoor Comfort

Beyond the energy savings, a well-insulated perimeter can greatly enhance your indoor comfort. Maintaining a consistent indoor temperature, helps to eliminate cold drafts and hot spots, creating a more comfortable living environment.

During the colder months, without proper insulation, the cold from the outside can seep into your home through the floors, making them uncomfortably cold to walk on. By insulating the edges of your slab or foundation, you can ensure that your floors remain warm and comfortable throughout the year.

Increasing Your Home’s Value

While the upfront cost of installing insulation may seem significant, it is an investment that pays for itself over time through reduced energy bills. Moreover, a well-insulated home is a desirable feature for potential buyers, meaning that insulation can increase your property’s value and appeal in the real estate market.

In today’s environmentally conscious world, energy efficiency is not just a matter of cost savings. It is also about reducing our carbon footprint and contributing to a more sustainable future. By installing insulation, you are enhancing your home’s energy efficiency, leading to lower greenhouse gas emissions.

Installing Perimeter Insulation

Proper installation of insulation is essential to ensure it performs as intended. It typically involves the following steps:

Prepare the Surface: The exterior walls and foundation should be clean and free from debris or damage.

Apply Insulation Material: Install the chosen insulation material according to the manufacturer’s guidelines. This may involve securing rigid foam boards or applying spray foam to the exterior surfaces.

Seal Joints and Gaps: Ensure that all joints, gaps, and seams are properly sealed to prevent air infiltration and moisture penetration.

Protect the Insulation: Cover the insulation with a protective material, such as a weather-resistant barrier or stucco, to shield it from the elements.



In conclusion, perimeter insulation is an often overlooked but vital aspect of home insulation. It enhances your home’s energy efficiency, contributes to a comfortable indoor environment, prevents moisture intrusion, and can even increase your property’s value.

While the installation process requires some investment, the benefits it brings in terms of energy savings, enhanced comfort, and environmental sustainability make it a worthwhile addition to any home. So, when planning your next home renovation or building project, don’t forget to consider the advantages of insulation.